Tuesday, February 12, 2013

30 Day Challenge! Day 1!

My best friend is currently doing a blog dedicated to "30 Day Challenges." I decided to join in because I think it would be a great way to pretend I am not in grad school and am able to have a life keep my creative side from atrophying. 
For day one the question is "Who are you?"
I am Alexis Walker. Wow, that was easy! I'm pretty impressed with my blogging skills right now, if I do say so myself.  I suppose the question really calls for more elaboration than just my name though.
I am someone who absolutely loves to laugh and loves to make other people laugh even more. Having a sense of humor has helped me survive a lot of really rough times in my life and I often use it as a coping mechanism. There is a strong chance that if you don't make me laugh or don't laugh at my jokes, I probably won't like you very much. It's nothing personal. I just use humor as a way to connect with people and if I can't connect with someone, I tend to freak out and put up walls.
Speaking of freaking out, another important part of my personality is that I freak out. A lot. I may not always show it but I'm one of the most neurotic people I have ever met. I am constantly panicking about something in my head and usually the things I am freaking out about don't make sense. Because of this tendency to panic/over-think, it's really never a good idea to send me a text that says something like, 'hey I have a question..." because while normal people would think, "hmm, I wonder what that sir or madam wants to ask about...." I automatically start thinking about everything I have ever done wrong and wondering how I pissed said sir or madam off and if they will ever speak to me again and if I am going to die. Logic!
So far we have humor and neurotisism(apparently that's not a real word) and I think that fairly sums up myself pretty well but I feel obligated to add more and entertain all two of you reading this. However, I also don't want this to become really long so I think I will make a list.
1. I love making lists. I rarely follow through on everything that I put on a To Do list but I really love making them and it's the only hope I will ever have of accomplishing anything .
2. I am terribly disorganized. Like, woefully border line mental deficiency bad at organization.
3. I sabotage myself a lot.
4. I make very deep and strong connections with the people in life. My friends and family mean the world to me because of how deeply I feel connected to people.
5. I'm really weird and awkward. I've learned to be much more social than I used to be and therefore people who don't know me well might not realize JUST how weird and awkward I am but trust me, I'm bizarre. When I was little I wanted to marry Gonzo. You know the muppet(I really do appreciate the irony of that now though, haha). Puns make me laugh harder than they should. I talk to myself a lot and usually end up making myself laugh and that's why you'll see me randomly laughing a lot or with a weird smile on my face. When I listen to  music, I make a music video in my head...for every. single. song. Weird.

1 comment:

  1. Proof I don't follow through on lists! I only made like, five points...
